
I had the pleasure to try parascending for the first time back in June 2017 with the group ” I grifoni” from Chiaramonti. The flight itself took place in Littigheddu (near Sedini), about 20 mins drive from the villa with their instructor Salvatore. It was the most fantastic 30 mins and best 100 euros I spent this year!

Malcolm actually made 4 videos of my flight and the parascending baptism itself included a go pro camera recording of the whole experience (as well as insurance, the kit etc).

Here are a series of pictures of the whole magical experience …. well, it is if you like the physical sensation of being airborne, have no vertigo and are quite happy with the idea of putting your life in somebody else’s ( very capable and profesionnal) hands. That fantastic time I had would be my mum’s idea of torture. Each to their own as always …


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And without much further ado, let’s get straight to these videos!

My intro and presentation of the parascending flight :

Technical preparation (explanations,  kitting up and safety checks) before the tandem flight and waiting for the wind to pick up :

Take off :

Ooopps…. technical malfunction !! LOL !

The first part of the actual flight :

Second and final part of the actual flight :


For more info in Italian, check for the cross country bar and pizzeria as well as all the activities available there. They are also on FB:

Here is Malcolm’s quick video of the place whilst I was flying :

And another quick one of my flight seen from the ground. How high we soared !

And quick slideshow of a sunset there :

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Salvatore Solinas is one of the qualified instructors for “I grifoni” club. Their website is    You can also find them on FB: